Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions including arthritis, gout and infections also can cause knee pain.

What are the symptoms ?
- Swelling and stiffness
- Redness and warmth at knee joint
- Weakness or instability
- Popping or crunching noises
- Inability to fully straighten the knee

- Injuries to the knee join
- Mechanical problems of the lower limbs
- Arthritis
- Overweight or obese
- Lack of muscle flexibility or strength
- Certain sports or occupations that puts stress at knees
- Previous injury

What CurePhysio have for you ?
- Consultation and Assessment
- IFT & RSC Currents
- Ultrasound
- Therma Theraphy
- Cryotheraphy
- Joint Mobilization
- Shock Wave Theraphy
- ROM Exercises
- Strengthening Exercises
- Stretching Exercises