Back pain often related to those with older age, but younger people can have It as well. The pain could be at your upper back, lower back and even at your buttocks area. The pain can be constant and/or radiates into other body parts, such as the legs.

What are the symptoms ?
- Muscle aching
- Shooting, burning, or stabbing sensation. The pain radiates down to leg
- Pain worsen when bending, twisting, lifting, standing, or walking

Do you find difficulty in ?
- Performing daily activities as the pain will be much worse?
- Pain won’t go away even with rest?
- Weakness or numbness buttocks or legs

What CurePhysio have for you ?
- Consultation and Assessment
- IFT & RSC Currents
- Spinal Decompression Theraphy
- Therma Theraphy
- Cryotheraphy
- Joint Mobilization
- Ultrasound
- ROM Exercises
- Strengthening Exercises
- Stretching Exercises